
Fall Decoration

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I couldn't be lazier when it comes to decorate according to the Seasons. Having lived most of my life in a tropical country where there is no snow, falling leaves, flowers blooming all at the same time or a short summer, Seasons were just inside Charles Dickens books. Now I am trying to follow Nature as it changes, with the little touches that make them feel special.

Like picking apples in the Fall (I have never done that, plan to do this year), skiing in the Winter (another item for my to do list), wearing rain boots in the Spring (a whole new concept, trying to take that in) and doing long car trips around the Country in the Summer (not in love with long car trips, so also working on this one!)

Anyway, I decided to be proactive this year with what I can, like a little bit of Fall Decoration here and there. Trying not to spend money, this is what I got so far...