
Bigger, faster, stronger

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

In a world of bigger, faster and stronger, I feel small. Not big, fast or strong enough. Yet, more, more, more; brings less, less, less. And because the scale can't be up on both sides, there is always the down side. Except that the scale only goes down when it has more things on it, quite interesting...

Philosophical thoughts aside, our downsizing journey has been an adventure on itself. You see, we have lived in many places, some big, some small. Never this small for the four of us. After getting married we played "house" and filled our lives with all the must haves. And then slowly we had to downsize, one room at a time, going from using a garage and a basement as storage, to now only half of a closet.

Do I miss all the stuff? What stuff?? :-)

To live small takes more. More creativity, more patience, more juggling. But it also brings relief. The less you own, the less you worry. For that, I am thankful.

And yet, my small is big compared to so many people in the world. Like this amazing cook that delivers her treats from a tiny kitchen. And this mom that made a stylish bedroom for her boys out of a closet! Have you heard of the tiny house trend?

In a world of bigger, faster and stronger, we still long for the small, slow and weak. Our babies.