
10 Brazilian Gifts

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The beach, the ocean, flip flops, sand inside the ears, the sound of Portuguese, food that warms the soul. And the stores. Inside I found a mix of handmade, home cooked, and some made in China too! (as I found out written on the tag of one "handmade" hat!) I love the vibrant colors, yellows, reds, oranges, so happy compared to the black and grey that surrounds Winter up here. Trying to catch some of the warmth and bring home, we bought some pieces of tropical land to brighten our days. Friends and family also gave us a few more.

Here they are, enjoy the rainbow of colors!!

Brazil in a Bag

From top left to right: The hat my husband got to add some style to the trip, T-shirt for the kids from Salvador that my mom gave, yellow fish made of recycled paper to hang on the wall, beautiful blue neck less (a gift), hot pepper from Bahia, handmade chocolate from Ilhéus (used to be the World's top source of Cacao in the 30's), wood boat to decorate the boy's bedroom, soap holders, wooden mortar and pestle and peteca (name in Portuguese). The bag is only for illustration! (wish I had this beautiful vintage bag!!)