
10 Sips for the Weekend: beyond Santa, famous people to take pictures with!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Santa. Soft lap. Warm hugs. Endless patience with kids as their parents try to snap the perfect Santa picture. Yesterday my kids did not sit in soft laps or got warm hugs, however they got to take pictures with some unique people, none from the North Pole, mind you.

I had to renew Mark's passport at the Brazilian Embassy so afterwards we stopped by Madame Tussauds Museum (a wax museum) and had fun walking around the famous. Some of them looked so real that I confused one lady (a wax person pretending to be a fan with a camera) for a real person as I waited her to finish taking her picture.

Another fun part was watching the 15 minutes Polar Express 4-D movie. It is included in the ticket and the boys loved to experience the chair shaking, cold water being sprayed in their face, the wind blowing and snow flakes falling from the ceiling. It is the only 4-D theater in New York, so if you can, it is worthy a visit. Mark did not get scared at all, he just kept repeating "Oohhhh", "Uhhhh" as the movie played on the screen.

She tried to stroll him away, but I rescued him just in time!
They did not mind him using the phone for a quick call to Daddy
The Statue of Liberty wishing kids would stop touching her nose
He was a little disappointed that there was no cheese on the moon
This is to make grampa proud
"Mark, we can do this!"
This is to make vovĂ´ proud
He was asking Steven if he could direct the next one